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The story of our journey to Kathy is likely different than most.
We had been searching for a Standard Poodle for nearly a year. It was our goal to find a dog with a suitable temperament to be trained as a service dog for our college-aged daughter, Deanna. We had been in contact with a dog trainer who was willing to work with Deanna to train a dog, but with summer break approaching we still had been unable to find a suitable dog —despite nation-wide inquiries.
On the day I received contact information for Kathy and the Pudel Haus, I texted explaining our needs. Her response was immediate!!! Over the next several days, we communicated often and at length. She patiently listened to our situation and even offered to confer with our trainer.
Long before we made the trip to North Carolina, I already counted Kathy as a friend.I think one of the things that impressed me most was that Kathy made it very clear that the pup she had in mind had to show an affinity to Deanna. We understood from the beginning that if that connection wasn’t there, we would not be the pup’s family. It was obvious to us that Pudel Haus puppies are not dollar signs; rather they are part of a family.
Fortunately, Sam DID choose Deanna!!
When we arrived home, we introduced Sam to our two tiny toy poodles. It was amazing to watch the gentle giant lay on his tummy (so he was at eye level with our little guys) and gently nudge toys toward them, easing himself closer and closer, but moving slowly so that he didn’t frighten them.
Sam came to us with manners and etiquette fully developed. He can be playful and boisterous but he had never been destructive.
He and Deanna are so truly a part of one another that I can no longer imagine Deanna without him, nor him without her.
The two of them trained thru out the summer and moved into the dorm in August. Sam attends classes and accompanies Deanna to the Library, the cafeteria, social events, the movies, to weddings and to WHEREVER life takes her.
He in not even a year old!!!
Sam is Deanna’s safety net and takes his role seriously. But when he is off duty, he is cuddles, romp-and-bow playful and four-legged love personified.I don’t believe he has an aggressive bone in his body, but neither do I worry about Deanna walking across campus to night classes anymore.
Sam’s family (both four legged and two legged) raised an extremely beautiful, intelligent, well-mannered, well-socialized, intuitive pup. And, Deanna reaps the benefits! Kathy continues to support us in innumerable ways. She has been able to to guide Deanna thru many of the pitfalls of being a first time furbaby mom.
We didn’t buy a puppy when we got Sam, we became members of the Pudel Haus family.
Vikki Smith Rehberg